

Increases seed germination energy and field germination of plants (harmonious shoots);

Reduces trampling due to forming the thick sod;

Increases color brightnenss of leaves;

Lowers sterss caused by anthropogenic factors;

Facilitates growth.



Amount of liquid Geo Humate (12%)

Amount of water and percentage of working solution per dry subtance

Method, treatment time and standarts of working solution

Treatment frequency


0,200 liter

10,0 liters of water working solution (0,024%)

Application so soil while laying lawns. Working solution rate 2-4 l/m2


Recommended to use for radical improvement of soil. Must be applied before sowing the lawns.


0,020 liter

10,0 liters of water working solution (0,024%)

Pre sowing treatment of seeds. Woking solution 0,024 % 


Recommended to conduct through watering the seedswith following drying.

0,010 liter

10,0 liters of water (0,012% working solution)                         

Root dressing of plants through drop irrigation or other kind of watering. Working consumption rate 2,3-3,5 l/m2


Recommended to conduct in accordance with need, depending on soil humidity and state of plants.